nightwares mini logoA brief introduction to Director

14. Whoah There, Cowpoke!

Keeping Director on the right frame.

Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide

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Click on the cell just above your text-field cell, and then click in the large grey rectangle right at the top of the Score window. You should see a new window open that contains the following text:

  on exitFrame

With the cursor flashing between the two lines. This is a Score script window, and it is the place you enter commands that Director is to follow when it reaches a certain frame of the movie. In this case you want director to pause, and that's precisely what you enter for any version of Director prior to 6.0:

  on exitFrame

For Director 6 and up, the command is a little different:

  on exitFrame
    go to the frame

This has the effect of keeping Director on the frame containing your message while also allowing items on the Stage to be updated (animations, for instance) without special commands having to be sent.

Now you can close the Score script window. You've just told Director that, when it gets to that frame, it should pause. This will keep the program from simply quitting after displaying "Hello, World".

1. Introduction

2. Definition of Objectives

3. Specific Objectives

4. Stage Size

5. Stage Location

6. Setting the Stage's Color

7. Beginning to Enter Script

8. A bit More About the StartMovie() Handler

9. Entering Another Handler

10. A Break-down of the CheckColor() Handler

11. A Quick Test

12. Adding Text to the Stage

13. Preparing to Enter a Frame Script

14. Entering the Frame Script

15. Adding a Quit Button

16. The Progress so Far

17. Preparing to Add a Menu

18. Discussion of Menu Requirements

19. Preparing the Menu Storage Member

20. Entering Menu Functions for Macintosh

21. Entering Menu Functions for Windows

22. Efficientlly Handling Multiple Menus

23. Preparing to Insert the Menus Onscreen

24. Adding the Menu Installation Handler

25. Discussion of the Menu Installation Handler

26. Adding Code for an About Box

27. Review of the Scripts

28. Creating a Projector and Running it