My pages...

director discussions
Pretty much what it sounds like. Discussions of Director techniques, coding ideas, etc., which don't fall under the aegis of being FAQs or tutorial items.

ballot box
If you've got a moment, why not cast your vote on some topics here?

greeting cards
Yes, greeting cards. What else is there to say about that, really?

I'm beginning to play a little with avatars. Here is my laboratory. Currently I've only got an avatar-altering module finished; it can be used to learn or publish avatar behaviors.

message bored
If you're in the mood to offer feedback or read comments or whatever on nightwares, check this thing out.

cat & mouse
A catalog of articles by Mira, my Director- (and hairball-) hacking feline. Not to be confused with Mouse and Driver, which is by the rodents at MS Marketing.

What I do for fun
A link to my GeoCities page, where I describe some of my pastimes and things which interest me in one way or another.

How to Make Enemies and Influence People Against You
My personal opinion pages, comments on the digital age, and other unreadable trails of electronic drool.

Moby Dick
Not some kind of weird sexual slang. Moby Dick, the novel, by Herman Melville, online. Text courtesy of Project Gutenberg.

Like the site? Buy the book! Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide by Warren Ockrassa, published by Osborne-McGraw/Hill; preview it now!