
The Maricopa Director Web
A heck of an information source and a place to subscribe to the DIRECT-L listserv. (If you do that, make sure to read the listserv intro, tipsandDowdell's Ten Commandments, to keep yourself from making the kind of mistakes I made -- especially uploading a file to the entire list, which I did once and got disabled for a couple of weeks as punishment. OOPS! What a bonehead!)

Maricopa's Director FAQ
If it ain't here, it probably ain't nowhere.

Maricopa's Director Tips 'n' Scripts
Seventeen trillion free Lingo tidbits for your coding pleasure.

Maricopa's DIRECT-L Digest
Search the D-L archives and see what there is to see. Plenty, mon, plenty.

Like the site? Buy the book! Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide by Warren Ockrassa, published by Osborne-McGraw/Hill; preview it now!