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Suchen Sie hilfe zum Director? Kommen Sie hierher! Content is in English as well. There are some good things to be seen here.

Noch mal!
Mehr Hilfe zu Lingo und dem Director auf Deutsch. Also contains content in English, run by Daniel Plaenitz, a regular, cogent and intelligent poster to Direct-L and Lingo-L.

Zeus Productions
By Bruce Epstein, author of the O'Reilly books Lingo in a Nutshell and Director in a Nutshell. Good stuff there including downloadable PDF chapters of both books. Bruce is another intelligent poster to Direct-L and Lingo-L; I respect him highly, for what it's worth.

The Director Online User Group (DOUG)
Quite a lot of resources, including scripting tips, workarounds and such. It is searchable and can result in at least an afternoon of Lingoesque surfing. Among other things you will find the "Zav's Brain" sections, which are quite worth your time. You might spend an entire day here, in fact. It's time well used.

Gretchen Macdowall's updateStage
Clever, witty and jammed with resources. Another searchable site, you can find lists of known issues ("quirks") with most versions of Director, including workarounds if they are available. The very first place to look if you have found what you think to be a bug. (If you are looking for an Xtra, make sure to stop in and check out the Mile-High Table O'Products there!)

Kent's Little Planet Publishing Page
Kent has made some utility Xtras available there for free. I use them and you should too. (Well, not exactly free; as I understand it he recommends donation of money to a charity in lieu of payment for his Xtras.)

Mark Castle's ("markie's") Castle Page
markie is the keeper of the FAQ for alt.multimedia.director. There is good usable script content there, as well as a decent FAQ database.

Che Tamahori
You absolutely must look at his Shocked files if you're interested in doing 3-D with Director and no other applications or Xtras. He has even kindly included a "recipe" section you can use to make your own 3-D content. And there are other interesting slices of his mind you can find there.

Lingo Behavior Database
Searchable, downloadable list of Lingo behaviors, including a few of my own. Behavior self!

Buddy API
The only resource you may need for most of your Director projects. BudAPI is incredible and indispensable. Most of the time when you need to do something in Director with an Xtra, it can be answered via BudAPI, with its 50-odd functions. Get it, try it, buy it. This Xtra kicks serious butt and is a bargain at US$150 for the full version. Apart from Director itself I'd put this one as a first class must have. It can do almost anything you want.

Avatar Nets
Run by Peter Small, author of the very useful books Lingo Sorcery and Magical A-Life Avatars. There's some pretty left-field stuff here, and I mean that in the best of all possible ways. Very good ideas and a place to subscribe to the Avatar listserv. If you are interested in really pushing the envelope in Director, this is worth a look.

By Brian Sharon, a free Xtra which does virtually anything you want with network operations. Click here to download a zipfile of the documentation and sample files written for version 1.02, most of which is still pertinent. (I'm not sure how legal or kosher this is...)

Site Seeing With Tom
A big fat page of links. Lots of nice sites here.

Site 404
An interesting take on Director from the UK, and a great name for a site as well.

Minty's House o' Code
Actually I don't know the official title for this page, but if you're looking for in-depth discussion of Director esoterica involving such things as hybrid CDs, lingo.ini and stub projectors, give this one a look.

EoSoft Home Page
By Britton Smith, maker of (among other nice things) the free FastSplash utility for Win32 which puts up a bitmap (your choice) while your Director projector loads in the background. Prevents those annoying multiple-launch problems caused by impatient users...

Another fine page of resources for Director users. Behaviors, help and more...

Penworks Corporation
Maker of a few useful Xtras and the place to sign up for the Lingo-L listserv.

Like the site? Buy the book! Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide by Warren Ockrassa, published by Osborne-McGraw/Hill; preview it now!